Hello, great artists! Let’s learn how to draw a super cool dinosaur, just like the mighty T-rex! Follow these simple steps and you’ll have your very own dinosaur masterpiece in no time!
Dinosaur Mouth Magic:

Comment dessiner Un Dinosaure – Étape 1
Start with a large, curved line for the dinosaur’s wide-open mouth. T-rex’s are known for their big jaws, so bring them out!
Expressive eyes:

Comment dessiner Un Dinosaure – Étape 2
Now let’s give our dinosaur eyes full of personality. Draw a large circle for the eyeball. Inside, add a smaller circle for the colored part. Don’t forget to add a small black dot for the pupil. The T-rex is serious with those eyes!
Fierce Teeth and Tongue:

Comment dessiner Un Dinosaure – Étape 3
It’s time to add those sharp teeth! Draw triangles at the top and bottom of the mouth. Make them pointy to show the ferocity of the dinosaur!
Dinosaur Body Basics:

Comment dessiner Un Dinosaure – Étape 4
Sketch the body with long lines. Start at the head and work your way down to the neck and body. Leave room for the legs and tail, they are coming soon!
Powerful legs:

Comment dessiner Un Dinosaure – Étape 5
Draw strong paws with three claws on each foot. The T-rex needs strong legs to stomp on. Make sure they are nice and strong!
Small arms, big fun:

Comment dessiner Un Dinosaure – Étape 6
The little arms of the T-rex are famous! Draw short lines for the arms and add tiny ovals for the hands. They may be small, but they’re still awesome!
Tail Adventure:

Comment dessiner Un Dinosaure – Étape 7
It’s time for a wagging tail! Start at the body and draw a curved line outward. Make it thinner towards the end and add bumpy textures for extra dino detail.
Skin Texture Style:

Comment dessiner Un Dinosaure – Étape 8
Give your dinosaur some texture by adding bumpy lines to the body and legs. It’s like giving your dinosaur a special skin!
Fun coloring:

Comment dessiner Un Dinosaure – Étape 9
Almost there! Erase all the extra lines, and now comes the fun part: coloring! T-rexes were often brown or greenish. You can use shades of these colors, as well as gray, to bring your dinosaur to life.
Color the eyes yellow or brown, with a black pupil. Keep the teeth and claws white and maybe add some light shades for highlights. Feel free to experiment with different colors and shades to make your dinosaur totally unique!
Remember that each artist’s dinosaur can be a little different, and that’s what makes it great. So have fun, use your imagination and keep creating!